7 Ways to Spring into Soul-Care

2023 hit the ground running: January came in like a tornado, February was over in the blink of an eye and March felt longer yet still zoomed by. Somehow (howwww??!), April is already halfway over. Basically, Q1 was a blur and it may be time to reset with self-care: Spring Edition.

  1. Reconnect with your intentions

Whether you set intentions at the beginning of the year, month or week, it is never a bad time to reconnect with those intentions, (especially if you feel off or burnt out). If you haven’t been able to establish intentions this year, that’s ok too. Setting intentions can help serve as a guidepost to direct your focus towards things that matter most to you. Whatever you give energy to will grow, so make sure you’re not only allocating your energy intentionally, but that you are focused on things that are relevant in this current season. Examples of intentions: This week I will seek out beauty in all things. This month I will say ‘no’ to things that don’t serve me. This year I will boldly pursue my dreams even when it scares me.

2. Spring Clean.

I’m not sure where the spring cleaning tradition originated, but in my household growing up it was a sacred ritual. There are some theories about why we feel the urge to spring clean, but regardless of the motivation, decluttering and organizing can help you reduce anxiety as you may feel a sense of control and accomplishment. Getting started is usually the hardest part so make it fun by turning on your favorite playlist and pouring yourself a tasty beverage. Break it down into smaller chunks so that it doesn’t feel as overwhelming. If you’re the type that wants to get it done in one sitting, make sure you carve out enough time to avoid rushing. Cleaning can be therapeutic for many, but if that’s not your truth and you have the means, don’t be afraid to hire a cleaning service. While they are getting your home in order, you can spend time with your loved ones or doing another activity aligned with your intention(s).

3. Set aside time to meet with your girls.

Socializing and sisterhood are great ways to get out of the house and break out of winter hibernation mode. Sisterhood is also good for the soul, so lean into those deep belly laughs, cute cocktails/mocktails, and enjoy your favorite activity with your girlfriends. And if your favorite activity is cuddling on the couch, a girl’s night in may be just what the doctor ordered.

4. Spend time in nature.

Stopping to smell the roses, literally, may give you life you didn’t even know you needed. Nature has amazing healing powers and fresh air does the body good. Even if you’re not an “outdoorsy” person, buying a bouquet of flowers or a new plant for your home may boost your mood too.

5. Soak up the sunshine.

Vitamin D deficiency is real and a common occurrence among Black people. Darker skin reduces the body’s ability to produce vitamin D, making it all the more necessary to soak up those rays when you can. Vitamin D is especially important because deficiency is linked to depression, fatigue, muscle pain, and even hair loss. Before basking in the sun, however, make sure you protect yourself with sunscreen and sunglasses.

6. Schedule/Take time off.

It’s officially spring break season so if you have kids or work within the education system, you may already be reading this from the beach. For everyone else, this is your reminder to take time off and/or start planning your next break. We have a habit of waiting until we’re on our last leg before we finally take a hint, but in 2023, we’re no longer doing that. Use your vacation days and be sure to use those boundaries to protect your time while you’re OOO (out of office).

7. Set aside time for stillness.

This one may be the most difficult for many of you, but perhaps one of the most important. Pause. Rest. Sip your coffee (or tea) in your favorite chair or maybe even outside. Meditate. Pray. People watch. Time will continue to fly by, it’s up to you to set the pace by intentionally slowing down, finding moments of stillness, and allowing yourself to just be. The frequency at which you carve out time for stillness depends on your needs, however, prioritizing stillness in the morning helps set the tone for the rest of the day (highly recommended).

These tips have been particularly useful for me and I hope they help you recenter and get back to yourself this spring. Spring is a time for renewal and resurrection, so let’s make sure we aren’t compounding stress by ignoring the warning signs. Release, create space, soak up the renewing energy of springtime and allow yourself to blossom.

For additional support in learning how to create a lifestyle of self-care, check out my offerings and schedule time to chat, I would love to hear from you!


Black Women Deserve


Why focus on self-care?